How to add Asset Class and Asset Types Basefile in AMD

How to add Asset Class and Asset Types Basefile in AMD

Asset Class

Asset Classes and Types are used to identify similar assets to group them by failure modes and operation.

Adding a new Asset Class

  1. Select Basefiles from the AMD Index page.

  1. Select the Asset Classes tab. Please note that in this tab there is a section to capture asset classes and a section to capture asset types.
  2. In the Asset Classes section, select the Add button.

  1. Capture the Asset Class.
  2. Capture Asset Description.
  3. Select Save.

Editing and Deleting existing Asset Classes

  1. Select the Asset Class record that you wish to update. The selected row will be highlighted to indicate its selection.
  2. Select the Edit or Delete button.

  1. If you select the Delete button, the system will request the user to confirm the delete action. Click delete to continue and the Asset Class record will be removed from the grid. If the delete action was a mistake click Cancel.

  1. If Edit is selected, the same screen that appeared when a new Asset Class was created will reappear for the user to edit the Asset Class details.
  2. Select Save.

Asset Types

Adding a new Asset Class

  1. Select the Asset Class from the Asset Class grid.
  2. Navigate to the bottom of the screen, the Asset Type grid will be displayed for the user to add the Asset Class.
  3. Click the Add button.
  1. Capture the Asset Type.
  2. Capture the Asset Life Cycle.
  3. Capture the Asset Description.
  4. Click Save.

Editing and Deleting Asset Types

  1. Select the Asset Class and the associated Asset Types will be displayed in the Asset Type grid. Select the Asset Type record that you wish to update. The selected row will be highlighted to indicate its selection.

  1. Select the Edit or Delete button.
  2. If Delete is selected, the system will request the user to confirm the delete action. Click delete to continue and the Asset Type record will be removed from the record. If this action was a mistake then click Cancel.

  1. If Edit is selected, the same screen that appeared when adding a new Asset Type will appear for the user to edit the Asset Type details.
  2. Click Save.

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