How to add RCM Indicator Types Base files

How to add RCM Indicator Types Base files

Indicators and Indicator Types

Indicators are used to track usage or record of items used in OCM (On-Condition Maintenance) tasks. The indicators are associated with their corresponding Indicator Types. 

There are three Indicator Types:

Cumulative - This is a running measuring like an odometer.

Descriptive - This is a qualitative description like color. Units of Measure does not apply to this type.

Numeric - This is for a reading like temperature.

The above-mentioned Indicator Types are fixed in ACTOR and may not be changed however, users may "Edit" the description of an "Indicator Type". To do this:

Editing existing Indicator Types

  1. Navigate to the Indicator Type tab. The list of pre-defined Indicator Types will be shown in the grid. 
  2. Select the Indicator Type you wish to "Edit". The row will be highlighted in grey to indicate its selection as illustrated below.

  1. The Indicator Type field will be un-editable as Indicator Types are fixed in ACTOR. Update the "Description" of the selected Indicator Type and then Click "Save" to clear the pop-up.

Adding new Indicators

After selecting or editing the relevant Indicator Types, the user must add "new" Indicators and link them to a pre-defined Indicator Type.
  1. Select the Indicator tab and click "Add".

  1. Capture the "Indicator".
  2. Select the "Indicator Type" from the drop-down menu.

  1. Select the "Indicator Unit of Measure" (UOM) from the drop-down menu. The Indicator Unit of Measure only applies to cumulative or Numeric Indicators.
  2. Capture a "Description".
  3. Click "Save" to clear the pop-up.

Editing and Deleting existing Indicators

  1. Select an existing Indicator from the Grid. The selected row will be highlighted in grey to indicate that it has been selected.
  2. Click the "Edit" or "Delete" button.

  1. If "Delete" is selected, a pop-up window will appear requesting the user to confirm the deletion. Click delete to continue and the record will be removed from the grid. If this action was a mistake, then click cancel.
  2. If the "Edit" button is selected, update the Indicator details.
  3. Click "Save".

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