How to run RCM Reports

How to run RCM Reports

There are 2 ways to run reports in ACTOR:

  1. From the Main Menu
  2. From the Location Tree
Both options apply for RCM2 or RCM3. Let us first explore option 1.

Running RCM Reports from the Main Menu

Click here to watch the video.
  1. Select “RCM2 or RCM3 Reports” from the RCM side menu.

  1. "Select a Report" from the drop-down list.

  1. Select the Location ID from the drop-down list.

  1. Select the "Analysis" that you wish to run a report on.

  1. Select the analysis "Revision":

Below is an example of an RCM3 Decision Diagram report for COT policy type:

  1. Export the report to Microsoft Excel or PDF by selecting one of the available options.

Running RCM3™ Reports from the Location Tree

Click here to watch the video.
  1. Select Report on the side menu like you did in option 1.

  1. Select the "Report type" from the drop-down menu. The location tree will become active for selection after this step.

  1. Select a "Location ID" from the tree.
    1. Drill down to the "Analysis" level and select the analysis.
      1. Drill further down and select the "Revision". the report will appear as illustrated.

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