All the RCM2™ and RCM3™ analyses that get created are saved in the "Analysis History". A user can search for an analysis
that was created by a facilitator in the “Analysis History” tab to review the analysis depending on the user’s role as a group member within the analysis.
In this section, users can see the
status of each analysis and a user can view or edit the details of a particular analysis by selecting an analysis from the grid.
This functionality is useful to allow multiple group members to work on the same analysis concurrently.
Note: The system can only retrieve the sections of the analysis that were “saved” during creation.
To open or edit an analysis from the analysis history:
NB* Please note that an analysis that has been locked by the facilitator is un-editable.
1. Select "Analysis History" in the RCM module.
2. All the analyses that have been imported or created will appear in the analysis history grid with the status of each analysis indicated.
3. To search the long list of analyses, type the name of the analysis in the search box as illustrated below and the analyses will be narrowed to match the search term. Double click on the analysis to open it. Sections that are outstanding will remain greyed out until completed and saved.
4. The person who originally created the analysis can also "Delete" it by clicking the bin icon.
5. Users can view notifications or comments for an analysis by clicking on the notification as illustrated.
6. Users can Export any analysis in 3 formats by selecting the illustrated options.
- Excel
7. Users are also given the option to print the analysis.